
Приготвям се за благородната война. Спокоен съм, знам тайната. Знам какво предстои и че никой не може да ме спре. Убивам хората, които харесвам. Някои молят за живота си. Не чувствам тъга. Не чувствам нищо. Живеем в мръсен свят. Мръсен, безпомощен свят и се чувствам, сякаш ги спасявам от всичката гадост по улиците. Отвеждам ги на чисто и приятно място.

Има нещо във всичката тази кръв. Давя се в нея.

Индианците са вярвали, че злите духове са в кръвта и веднъж месечно се режели за да се освободят от тях. Има нещо умно в това. Много умно.

Харесва ми.

how deep do you sleep standing speechless in the crowd
what's your first word
come on and shout it out,



We're gonna forget about Mr. Huxley today and we're gonna talk about fear. Fear, after all, is our real enemy. Fear is taking over our world. Fear is being used as a tool of manipulation in our society. It's how politicians peddle policy. It's how Madison Avenue sells us things that we don't need. Think about it. Fear of being attacked. Fear of that there are communists lurking around every corner. Fear of that some little Caribbean country that doesn't believe in our way of life poses a threat to us. Fear that black culture may take over the world. Fear of Elvis Presley's hips. Actually, maybe that one is a real fear. Fear that our bad breath might ruin our friendships. Fear of growing old and being alone. The of that we're useless and that no one cares what we have to say.

Have a good weekend.


sorry for the night demons that still visit me