
Then I fell in love, with the most wonderful boy in the world. We would take long walks by the river or just sit for hours gazing into each other's eyes. We were so very much in love. Then one day, he went away. And I thought I'd die - but I didn't. And when I didn't I said to myself, "Is that all there is to love?"

Is that all there is

Is that all there is

If that's all there is my friends, then let's keep dancing.


Истината беше, че от няколко месеца насам бе започнал да разгранича нещата - период, до който стига всеки млад човек - и да си поставя въпроса заслужава ли да се умре за нещо, в което вече не вярваш. В безмълвните бели нощи той се взираше в прозореца на един килер на отсрещната къща, осветена от уличната лампа, и си повтаряше, че иска да е бъде добър, да бъде благороден, да бъде смел и мъдър, но всичко това е много трудно. Искаше и да бъде обичан, ако успее да смести и това между другото.


- Whoever the dad is, he's not around.
- So you're all alone in the world apart from the living organism growing inside you?
- Looks that way.
- We should probably go for a drink.
- Swap some funny stories.
- See if we have similar tastes and interests.
- Overcome some emotional hurdles. And have a few huge rows. "What did you do, you stupid prick?!"
- "I'm sorry, baby, I didn't know we were exclusive - and she had massive tits. It'll never happen again."
- We make up, and before you know what I've trapped you in a serious relationship.
- That would be the conventional way to do it.
- There's just one problem... I can't drink.
- So I guess we should skip all that other stuff and get straight down to the shagging.


We're young. We're supposed to drink too much. We're supposed to have bad attitudes and shag each others brains out. We are designed to party. This is it. Yeah, so a few of us will overdose or go mental. But Charles Darwin said you can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs. And that's what it's all about - breaking eggs! And by eggs, I do mean, getting twatted on a cocktail of Class As. If you could just see yourselves! You're wearing cardigans! We had it all. We fucked up bigger and better than any generation that came before us.

We were so beautiful!

We're screw-ups. I'm a screw-up and I plan to be a screw-up until my late 20s, maybe even my early 30s. And I will shag my own mother before I let her or anyone else take that away from me!