
I am done with you
i'm sailing my own
my own


- You can say anything to me.
- I wanna marry you. I wanna have kids with you. I wanna build this house. I wanna settle down and grow old with you. I wanna die when I'm hundred and ten years old in your arms. I don't want fourty eight uninterrupted hours. I wanna a lifetime.
Did you see what happens? I see things like that and you fight and run in the opposite direction. This okay I understand. I didn't but now I do, I do. Your are just getting started, and I've been doing this for a long time. Deep down you are still intern. And you are not ready.
- I'm not ready right now. But things can stay the way they are and I can get ready. I'll get ready.
- Things can stay the way they are. We can still meet in the elevator or in the calm room. And may be you will be ready. And I wait. I'll wait until you are ready.
- Ok then.
- Yeah but what if, what if while I'm waiting I meet someone new who is ready to give me what I want from you?
- What if you do?
- I don't know.


Защото винаги, където и да се намираш,
алкохолът свършва и се прибираш вкъщи сам.



Сега, когато вече го познавам, съм убеден, че ако Другия ме бе забелязал, преди аз да видя него, той, въпреки прогнилата си душа и изобилието си от негативни качества, би тръгнал веднага смело и усмихнато към мен. Но хората са различни, при това не само един от друг - през по-голяма част от времето сме различни от самите себе си.


So if you meet me,
have some courtesy, have some sympathy, and some taste.
Use all your well-learned politesse,
or I'll lay your soul to waste.

днес определено е пролет


да те целува така,
че да ти се подкосят колената.


в първия ден на декември
цяла софия свети коледно.